Our most popular articles on creative problemsolving in 2020
In the past twelve months, we’ve published 26 new articles. You might have missed a few. So why not start the new year by reading some of last year’s favourites? Below are our 5 most popular articles on creative problemsolving from 2020:
#1 – Nudge techniques: 6 creative strategies to influence behaviour
Nudging is a powerful way to influence behaviour. You can use it to ‘trick’ people into doing what’s good for them; eat more healthy, drive more safely, quit smoking etc. In this article, Jeroen describes 6 practical techniques to apply Nudging in your situation.
#2 – The High Concept Pitch – Bring your elevator pitch to the next level
Having a great idea is wonderful, but if you can’t convince others of its value, you probably won’t get far. In this article, Willemijn describes how you can create powerful ‘three-word pitches’ (better known as ‘Hollywood pitches’) to grab your audience’s attention and get the support you need to make your solution work.
#3 – Using Tiny Habits to change behaviour
When it comes to problemsolving and innovation, you will often have to influence people’s behaviour. Making people change their habits is not easy. Force rarely works. Luckily, there are more positive approaches. In this article, René explains how you can use ‘Tiny Habits’ to change behaviour.
#4 – How to Innovate: the Subtraction technique
Last year, Jeroen wrote several articles on powerful innovation techniques. In this article, he describes the Subtraction technique; a simple 6-step approach that will help you develop new products or services by eliminating key components.
#5 – Creativity during Corona crisis – the quest for a creative solution
Of course the main topic this year was the dreadful pandemic that caused havoc all around the globe. The dramatic new reality caused quite a few problems for many businesses. Fortunately, even a challenge of this magnitude offers opportunities too. In March, when COVID-19 was still relatively new, Willemijn listed 5 of the most creative solutions to Corona-related business problems. Now that we’re 8 months further and many countries still have lockdowns, perhaps it’s time for a revised edition of this article?
Based on the number of views, these were our most popular articles on creative problemsolving in 2020. What was your favourite article this year? Or what would you like to read about next year? Let us know in the comment box below!