By René de Ruijter In Problem solvingPosted February 1, 2022Don’t ask experts to solve your problemIf you’re trying to tackle a complex problem, It’s wise to consult experts. However, don't ask these experts how to solve your problem. READ MORE
By Verena Bijlsma In Focus, Problem solvingPosted November 30, 2021Organize insights: how to identify the most important pieces of informationYou need to properly organize insights if you want to find the most essential pieces of information to solve your problem. READ MORE
By René de Ruijter In Problem solvingPosted November 16, 2021The Cobra Effect – how incentives can backfireWhile incentives are powerful stimuli, they can easily backfire. This is what you should know about the Cobra Effect. READ MORE
By Verena Bijlsma In Focus, Preparation, Problem solvingPosted October 20, 2021How to investigate a problemYou can't hope to solve a problem if you don't understand it. This infographic shows you how to properly investigate any problem. READ MORE
By René de Ruijter In Nudging, Problem solvingPosted October 5, 2021Behavioural change in 3 stepsTo solve complex problems, it’s often necessary to change people's behaviour. Luckily, there is a formula for behavioural change. READ MORE
By René de Ruijter In Preparation, Problem solving, ToolsPosted September 7, 2021The right way to do desk research: use search operatorsDesk research is invaluable to any innovator. But what is the right way to do desk research? 'Search operators' are crucial. READ MORE
By René de Ruijter In Nudging, Problem solvingPosted July 13, 2021Unpleasant design – how ‘bad’ design can be a force for goodUnpleasant design can be a great way of discouraging undesirable behaviour. By adding a bit of friction, bad behaviour can be prevented. READ MORE
By René de Ruijter In Focus, Preparation, Problem solvingPosted June 29, 2021Get your ass out of the chair! – Why desk research isn’t enough.While desk research is important in any problem-solving project, it isn't enough. To find important insights you'll have to get out there. READ MORE
By Willemijn van den Broek In Problem solvingPosted January 19, 2021Creativity during a crisis – the quest for a creative solution, Part 2Covid-19 has caused a whole new range of problems. Luckily, a bit of creativity during a crisis can turn challenges into opportunities. READ MORE
By René de Ruijter In Business Creativity, Innovation, Problem solvingPosted December 1, 2020Social innovation examples – how creativity can solve any problemLet's look at some social innovation examples and what we can learn from these wonderfully creative solutions. READ MORE