By René de Ruijter In Innovation, PresentationPosted January 11, 2022Expertly communicate your solution: use visualsVisualising is essential in each phase of the innovation process. If you want to properly communicate a solution, you'd better use visuals. READ MORE
By René de Ruijter In Business Creativity, InnovationPosted June 16, 2021Make good use of your organisation’s talent: how trainees can drive innovationTrainees are in a great position to drive innovation. But this won't happen automatically. You'll have to facilitate this process. READ MORE
By René de Ruijter In Business Creativity, Innovation, Thinking TechniquesPosted March 16, 2021Kill the company – uncover vulnerabilities and turn them into opportunitiesKill the Company: destroy your own organisation so you uncover weaknesses and opportunities to strengthen it. READ MORE
By René de Ruijter In Business Creativity, Innovation, New Product DevelopmentPosted February 2, 2021The Mom Test – how to uncover useful insightsThe Mom Test offers some practical rules to have better conversations and uncover valuable insights to improve your idea. READ MORE
By René de Ruijter In Business Creativity, Innovation, Problem solvingPosted December 1, 2020Social innovation examples – how creativity can solve any problemLet's look at some social innovation examples and what we can learn from these wonderfully creative solutions. READ MORE
By Jeroen de Ruijter In Innovation, Problem solvingPosted November 17, 2020Solving problems by identifying similar situationsSolving problems often means looking for inspiration in other areas. Many innovative solutions are inspired by solutions from elsewhere. READ MORE
By René de Ruijter In Business Creativity, Innovation, Problem solvingPosted September 22, 2020Use contradictions to innovate – you might find aliensEvery contradiction is an opportunity to find creative solutions. Use contradictions to innovate and you might find beautiful win-win situations. READ MORE
By Jeroen de Ruijter In Innovation, New Product Development, Thinking TechniquesPosted July 28, 2020How to Innovate – part three: the Subtraction techniqueThe Subtraction technique is a powerful thinking technique to generate new ideas for innovative products and services. READ MORE
By Jeroen de Ruijter In Innovation, New Product Development, Thinking TechniquesPosted June 30, 2020How to innovate – part one: combine tasksUsually, you want a well-defined problem before you start generating ideas. Sometimes, however, you can simply combine tasks & look for opportunities. READ MORE
By René de Ruijter In Business Creativity, Innovation, Nudging, Problem solvingPosted June 16, 2020Using Tiny Habits to change behaviourWhen it comes to problem-solving, you will often have to influence people’s behaviour. One particularly powerful way to do this is by using Tiny Habits. READ MORE